Reliable Methods to
Assess Career Horoscopes

The career horoscopes are cast to assess the ups and downs in your job and working environment. If you want to know when it's best to change your job or ask for a promotion, take a look at the information below.

After all, life is about being at the right place at the right time and when you know when it's the right time to bring the best out of your career, you better don't let this pass.

There are different ways to analysis the career horoscopes.

On this page we will discuss these methods which have been found to be very reliable:

The Jupiter-Saturn Cycle

The expansive Jupiter and structural Saturn combo is quite an important one when considering job or business related matters.

The synodic cycle lasts about 20 years.

When assessing the career horoscopes it's best to examine the Jupiter-Saturn cycle in the natal chart first by using the same principle as used with the Moon phases.

The faster point or planet (i.c. Jupiter) creates the phases and the slower point or planet is your (fixed) starting point.

In other words, Jupiter travels around Saturn and shows which career phase someone is in.

The job cycle is reflected by transiting Jupiter to the natal Saturn and goes from a waxing to a waning phase when transiting Jupiter leaves the opposition with natal Saturn.

The waxing phase is a growing and discovering phase, while the waning phase is a phase of experience.

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The Mars Cycle

Mars is often neglected when talking about career horoscopes.

However, Mars can be called the planet of work and energy and as such is very significant when assessing career horoscopes.

Mars' cycle lasts about two years and the way transiting Mars relates to its natal position is highly revealing.

In the career horoscopes, the Mars return (i.e. transiting Mars returning to its natal position) often marks a job change or gives the best opportunities to take on a new career direction.

When transiting Mars opposes its natal position, you are in a down phase and should not expect too much from your job.

It's best not to quit your job when Mars is in a low because the result may be disappointing.

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The Mars-Chiron Cycle

Whenever transiting Chiron conjuncts natal Mars you may be in for a new job.

When Chiron, often marking a breakthrough or turning point, contacts energetic Mars expect a turning point in the career horoscopes.

New opportunities arise and taking them under this transit can be very satisfactory.

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